Offer in group

Monthly Energy Meditation Sessions

No teaching or 'technique' is used here. What we do is sit together for a while in silence so that we can return to our deepest authenticity and inner self (it is best to bring your own cushion or something similar). From there we allow the energy in our bodies to express itself spontaneously. This is done in a safe, respectful and welcoming space where everyone can let their emotions flow without judgement.

As facilitator, I tune in to the group as a whole and to the participants individually, allowing myself to be guided by the energy in interaction with the group and individually. Together we create a dynamic and inclusive environment.

Music can support this and add an extra dimension to the energy. 

Energy Meditation Weekends

During this weekend we consciously pay attention to the energies in and around our bodies and allow them to guide us, rather than being guided by thoughts or conditioning. We explore the energy space from different perspectives. In this way we cultivate awareness and connection with ourselves. Focusing your attention on the energies in and around your body can help you gain a deeper understanding of your own feelings and movements, and promote relaxation and balance. By listening to what these energies have to say to you, you may gain new insights and experience a sense of freedom from often limiting thoughts and patterns. The energy and interaction within the group can also have a positive effect on individual participants.

Experiences of oneness and sudden insights during or after sessions are common and can be very valuable for participants. Such experiences can be a catalyst for personal growth, self-discovery and changes in behavior or mindset.

Enjoy this time of immersion in your being!

Energywork with live-music

Energy meditation sessions also regularly take place with live music. In cooperation with Philippe Maridiyo Debaillie.